Renewing my Path of Purpose

I had been reviewing and evaluating my life in my late '60's and '70's, like so many of us do then. It was natural to reminisce about the times when I was an active student in The Prosperos decades ago. My later years were not as challenging nor uplifting. I was coasting with Patrick, my partner. I knew I needed to do more with my life, getting back on my path of purpose.

 I'd been taking courses and reading books on how to age gracefully. That brought up my deep dive into studying death and dying, despite my good health. These studies became important to my spiritual path. What had I been doing to expand my awareness, help others on their paths, and make a true contribution in the greater world? ...Nothing much for ages.

 I started going through my unconscious layers and letting go of regret for time wasted and dissatisfaction with how stuck I'd become. I still had hope! 

 Much of my life I believed I would be a Late Bloomer. But what was "late"? Too late? How much could I change after all this time and ingrained habits, especially distracting myself? I had no problem doing that without even using social media! I felt the emptiness of indulging my senses instead. It really hit home when singer Peggy Lee sang her poignant, heart-grabbing song, "Is that all there is." I had heard it before but this time, it went straight to my heart and roamed around in there. The last part of the lyrics were the definition of disappointment in my life, especially because I had known a more actively spiritual path when younger. She ends the song: 

 "Is that all there is
Is that all there is?
If that's all there is my friend
Then let's keep dancing
Let's break out the booze and have a ball
If that's all there is."

 I could no longer forget what more there truly is.

 In 2019 I began taking classes in drawing and discussing a book on self-observation, while also starting to take classes in The Prosperos again. Whammo, the pandemic hit It was my Cosmic Kick in the Butt. 

With more time to reflect and my feeling of aging continuing, I was open to resurrecting my spiritual path.

 Just like that! Calvin Harris, H.W., M. invited me to participate in The Prosperos Advance Mentor Workshop (AMW). I was ready, with a resounding "YES!" Those two years were galvanizing in rediscovering my spiritual path and finding my passionate purpose.

 Along the way I re-awakened my desire to write. Four of us in AMW 

co-wrote a book which was published in 2022: 'Finding the Unpredictable Good.' The short stories and essays we wrote came out of the amazing new ways we were looking at the world. We were letting go of old viewpoints and seeing how wildly changing the world is.

 It wasn't long before I became hungry to take more classes. I was re-learning how to Translate and use Releasing the Hidden Splendor, later writing a thesis about each one. I was on my way toward becoming certified as a High Watch member, which occurred last year. As I was feeling fulfilled, I wanted to be of service and keep on growing. I have gained a deeper sense of community, missing from my life for a long time. Now I count on giving and getting useful feedback, encouragement, friendship and camaraderie.

 And how did my spiritual journey affect Patrick? He's definitely on his unique path. Our long term relationship unfolded mostly with more spontaneity and joy. This included his useful and fun comments on my writing and increasing our playfulness together. He saw changes in me that helped get us unstuck in our relationship and vice versa.

 My story is just one example. It's not too late, renewal is always possible. Our bodies know on a cellular level, even as this awareness permeates our lives. 

There is no such thing as wasting my life, or you wasting yours. This living is what it took to get to this point. Every moment we have the opportunity to wake up and fully live.

 Open to your authentic Self being Consciousness, spring into new experiences. Your true Self is always present always will be, and it's continually renewable.